ATI, now being as AMD part, already for few years follows the tradition when releasing video cards drivers. It supposes one release per month. From one side such periodicity does not allow to bring in cardinal changes within the frame of a few updates, but innovations and corrections of errors are made not immediately, but gradually. And it is possible to look after this process very intently.
Changes are in next Catalyst can touch both the correction of errors, addition new useful functions and increase in performance in certain games and tests.
The new version of AMD Catalyst 11.8 driver was presented the other day. List of its changes for Windows looks like the following:
New Features:
- AMD Overdrive has been enhanced to include both CPU and GPU over-clocking controls within the AMD Vision Control Center
- CPU over-clocking is only supported on AMD Black edition CPUs
Performance Highlights:
- Improves performance up to 10% in Crysis 2 DirectX 11 version for both non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Improves performance up to 8% in Fear 3 DirectX 11 version with application enabled Anti-Aliasing on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Improves performance up to 30% when AMD’s Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA) is enabled through the Catalyst Control Center on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Improves performance up to 20% in Call of Duty Black Operations for single GPU and Multi-GPU configurations on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
It is possible to download new driver AMD Catalyst 11.8 from our catalog: