As Microsoft has announced its Windows operating system will add support for ARM-based platforms, Intel has recently decided to cooperate with Taiwan-based notebook makers including Inventec and Compal Electronics to push Intel/Android solutions and will showcase several devices based on the new solution at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) Beijing in April 2011, according to sources from notebook makers.
In addition to Windows and its self-developed MeeGo, Intel has add support for Android to its processors and the new strategy will allow its partners to have more choice, while significantly saving costs from licensing fees.
Intel has already invited 6-8 notebook makers to work on devices featuring the new Intel/Android platform and is expected to showcase models at IDF Beijing, which will be hosted in China on April 12-13, at the earliest if related R&D goes smoothly, otherwise the company will announce the related models at Computex Taipei 2011 at the latest, the sources noted.
As the PC market is heading out from the domination of the Wintel platform, the sources believe the new market status will allow the PC ecosystem to become healthier.
In addition to tablet PCs, Intel has also been working aggressively with Google over the development of notebooks and netbooks and is set to release Intel/Chrome OS solutions in the second half of 2011 with Samsung Electronics, Acer and Asustek Computer all set to launch related models.