Microsoft's first Windows Phone 7 update, NoDo, may not ship for roughly another month. Multiple contacts said Thursday that it had been intended for February 7 but faced a last-minute change that pushed it back to March 8. No reason was given to Neowin for the delay.
Although not confirmed by Microsoft, Samsung in a comment expected that the update would "probably" arrive in early March. WPCentral was also told it would be detailed by Microsoft at Mobile World Congress on February 14.
Microsoft hasn't formally committed to a schedule for the update beyond early 2011. The download is expected to catch up and add copy-and-paste text, speed up third-party apps, improve Windows Phone Marketplace search and add CDMA support for carriers like Sprint and Verizon. A more substantial update, Mango, is due later in the year and could bring multitasking, an Internet Explorer 9-based browser and Silverlight.
When it comes, NoDo is expected to reach phones almost simultaneously since Microsoft, not the carrier, controls the updates.