What looks to be the official spec sheet for the previously spotted 12.1-inch Dell XT2 tablet PC has been leaked as of this weekend. The chart confirms some earlier specs while others are new, including the support of up to 5GB of RAM. Processors will include the ultra low voltage Intel Core 2 Duo at 1.2GHz or 1.4GHz. The weight of the notebook is now rated at about 3.6lbs with the four-cell battery and 3.8lbs with the optional 6-cell, making it nearly identical as its XT predecessor and not significantly lighter, like previously reported.
There will be one more optional battery, a nine-cell, which will extend the battery life of the convertible netbook significantly. There are two displays, both with 1280x800 resolutions, with one rated for viewability in broad daylight. Storage will come from a choice of 80GB or 120GB SATA hard disk drives as well as a 64GB solid state drive option. Available operating systems will comprise of various Windows Vista editions, including Ultimate, Business, Business 64-bit and the option to downgrade to Windows XP Tablet Edition.
Base versions of the XT2 will come with at least Wi-Fi, with alternatives for internal EVDO as well as HSPA network access. A Bluetooth module will be another option, along with a gigabit Ethernet port. Other connections include a FireWire port, VGA out and two USB ports with a third that is convertible to eSATA. A 54mm ExpressCard expansion slot is present, as is an SD memory card slot. External optical drives and a secondary hard drives will be available accessories.
The official launch for the Dell XT2 is expected to occur on February 11th with pricing yet to be released.
Source: electronista