Samsung vice president JK Shin has revealed the electronics giant will be unveiling a new version of the Galaxy Note at Mobile World Congress next month. The Galaxy Note 8.0 with an 8-inch display will apparently retain many of the Galaxy Note 10.1's features, and is expected to be a direct competitor with the iPad mini.
Speaking to News1 in South Korea, Shin confirmed the device will be shown at the Barcelona-based event, though it will not be the venue for the launch of the Galaxy S IV at the same time. He also claimed that no oncoming Galaxy device traveled to CES in order to show it to hardware partners.
The Galaxy Note 8.0 will apparently have a 1280x800 TFT Super Clear LCD display, according to SamMobile. Running on Android 4.2 and powered by a quad-core 1.6GHz processor, the Note 8.0 will weigh 0.7 pounds, house a 5-megapixel rear camera, 1.3-megapixel front camera, and a 4600mAh battery. It is also expected to have 2GB of RAM, options for 16 and 32GB of storage expandable by a 32GB microSD card, and connectivity through Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0, and Wi-Fi.
While it will be a competitor to the iPad mini, it will likely cost somewhere between that and the Google Nexus 7, with the included S-Pen functionality pushing the price higher.