The 8GB model of the Nexus 4 smartphone, produced by Google and LG, is once again listed as out of stock, while the 16GB model is said to be shipping in six to seven weeks. This marks the second time that the unlocked handset, which runs the latest version of Android, has sold out, demonstrating continuing demand for the low-priced flagship phone. The Play Store product page for the handset gives no details on when consumers can expect the 8GB model to be back in stock.
The Nexus 4 debuted alongside a revamped Nexus 7 tablet and the new Samsung-produced Nexus 10 tablet. All three devices saw strong initial sales, but the Nexus 4 -- which sells unlocked at a price most comparable phones would hit on contract -- continues to see strong demand.
Google quickly sold through the initial run of Nexus 4 units, and the device went on back order. This most recent crop of orders eventually reached estimated shipping times of nine to ten weeks for the 8GB version before Google changed the product page to indicate that it was out of stock.