Huawei has revealed the follow-up to the Honor handset it released last year. Powered by a 1.4GHz K3V2 quad-core processor, a hefty upgrade from its single-core Snapdragon-based predecessor, the Honor 2 has a 4.5-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1280x720, which gives it a pixel density of 326ppi.
The improved processor is aided by 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of onboard storage upgradable by microSD. An eight-megapixel camera on the rear is supported by a 1.3-megapixel version on the front, while the 2,230mAh battery should provide something close to the company's claims of a 72-hour standby time.
Pre-orders will start in early November in China, and will cost 1,888 yuan ($300). A US release has not been confirmed as of yet.