AMD announced that its AMD Z-60 accelerated processing unit (APU) powers the new Fujitsu STYLISTIC Q572 10.1" tablet, providing quality and performance to professionals on the move. The combination of processor and system design provides users with portability, Windows compatibility and security in one tablet device. With impressive performance at low power, the AMD Z-60 APU supports unique Fujitsu features like an integrated Smart Card reader and removable battery.
Supporting a rich Windows 8 or Windows 7 experience with its AMD Radeon graphics, the AMD Z-60 APU enables the ability to run the full suite of legacy PC applications while supporting the most visually demanding programs. A suite of enterprise-friendly features such as the trusted platform module (TPM) and hardware-based disk encryption are also supported by the AMD Z-60 APU. The STYLISTIC Q572's lightweight (approximately 1.6-pounds) design and impressive feature-set make it an ideal match for the mobile workforce.
"As a leading provider of Windows-based tablets, Fujitsu knows exactly what features and capabilities our customers demand in their systems," said Paul Moore, vice president, PC Product Marketing and Product Development, Fujitsu America. "The AMD Z-60 APU delivers on those expectations and helps Fujitsu deliver a differentiated product into the upcoming Windows 8 tablet marketplace."
AMD's processors provide high-quality experiences for both consumers and commercial workers with high-definition entertainment, advanced multitasking performance and power-saving innovations. The APU combines high-performance serial and parallel processing cores enabling breakthroughs in visual computing, security, performance-per-watt and device form factor.
"AMD is pleased to announce Fujitsu as the first customer of the AMD Z-60 APU in conjunction with their new tablet and the launch of Windows 8," said Steve Belt, vice president of Ultra-low Power Products, AMD. "We believe Fujitsu's customers will be thrilled with the combination of features, performance and battery life we worked together to provide in this very appealing system."