The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is now available for purchase in the US yet again, after a sales ban on the smartphone was lifted by a U.S. appeals court, and for those who are interested in following the fallout from the case between Apple and Samsung, the preliminary injunction that banned the Galaxy Nexus’ sale in the US will be sent back to a California court for further reconsideration.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which did place a stay on the injunction previously, ruled that the district court in California “abused its discretion in entering an injunction”, this coming after the California court agreed with Apple that Samsung infringed upon some of Cupertino’s patents. It would be interesting to see what happens after this, and will it set a precedent for all future cases as well as past rulings? Apple must be miffed by the overturn of the sales ban, and Samsung executives should be popping open a bubbly with this news.