Samsung may be planning a follow-up to the Galaxy S III, if rumors are to be believed. According to sources of the Korea Times, the company will allegedly reveal the new handset, called the Galaxy S 4, at the Mobile World Congress expo in Barcelona next year, as a response to the recent iPhone 5 announcement by Apple.
With MWC being held in February and the handset expected to go on sale globally in March at the latest, this puts the Galaxy S 4 unveiling at just nine months after that of its predecessor. It is also suggested that the new handset will have a five-inch OLED display, a marginal increase from the 4.8-inch panel found on the S III. LTE is also expected be available on the handset, after the increase in LTE network deployments, as will the quad-core processor found in international versions of the S III.
As for the physical attributes, an official from one of Samsung's local partners is claimed to have said "The S4 will see some external changes but retain its popular rectangular shape with rounded corner concept." Depending on how the handset design is implemented, there is a chance that Apple may draw this handset into more legal proceedings.