ВSamsung launched its Android flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S III in late May, but only the 16GB and 32GB models are currently available on the market, though the South Korean company confirmed a 64GB version as well.
Although the 64 GB Galaxy S III is not yet available for purchase, it appears that Samsung plans to launch the device in the following months. At least that’s what the folks over at Pocketnow claim.
The smartphone has just been listed by UK-based retailer Clove, but no additional details on the 64GB Galaxy S III pricing options and availability have been unveiled.
Surprisingly, the 64GB Samsung Galaxy S III is available in black, the same color that has recently been leaked online.
We’re pretty sure that the black color options will be available for all Galaxy S III models, 16GB, 32GB and 32GB, though the information has yet to be confirmed by Samsung.
According to Pocketnow, the 64GB Galaxy S III will be launched in the UK sometime in early October, but we don’t have an exact release date yet.
Pre-orders for Samsung Galaxy S III 64GB are expected to go live in the following weeks, so we will know more details on its price tag and availability.
For the time being, the smartphone has been confirmed by Clove to be launched with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system onboard, though Samsung is expected to announce an Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update for Galaxy S III in late August.
However, all information offered by Clove is subject to change, so it won’t come as a surprise if the 64GB Galaxy S III is launched with Jelly Bean platform out of the box.
Aside from the fact that it will come with a whopping 64GB of internal memory, the rest of the phone’s specs sheet is similar to its 16GB and 32GB twin brothers.