Sony has released its newest e-reader a bit earlier than observers had expected, with the Reader PRS-T2 now available for purchase on Sony's site several weeks before its predicted release. The device, leaked in an advertisement earlier this week, had been expected to go on sale some time next month. Most of the specifications expected to show up in the new e-reader have indeed materialized, and it is available in white, red, and matte black.
The glare-free e-ink touchscreen retains the claimed 2-month battery life and social elements, including Facebook and Evernote connectivity. The 2GB storage is preloaded with two English language and four translation dictionaries, with the first Harry Potter ebook also included via a redeemable voucher for the Pottermore online store. The e-reader also features access to Sony's public library feature, offering anyone with a valid library card the ability to borrow e-books from over 15,000 public libraries.
The Reader PRS-T2 is priced at $130, with options for a cover and a cover with a light also available at $35 and $50, respectively.