According to Czech site WinMag, Microsoft will soon debut a new line of keyboards to roll out alongside Windows 8. The new keyboards, dubbed "Wedge" are said to be designed for mobile use and will apparently feature some form of cover. Unlike the keyboard featured in Microsoft's previously revealed Surface tablets, these appear to be a thicker affair and may work with a range of other tablets.
The images of the keyboard show off a tightly-designed piece of hardware that is rounded at the edges. It is difficult to judge exactly how large the keyboards are from the images, but they are said to dock with mobile devices such as tablets.
A box is visible in the background, and it appears to have the last few letters of "Bluetooth" printed on it, which may give some idea of the device's connectivity options. The cover for the keyboard is also said to function as a base for tablets.
The keyboard is expected to debut later this year when Windows 8 rolls out. As the Surface tablets will already feature their own cover-integrated keyboards, this new Wedge keyboard is likely intended to function alongside other Windows 8 mobile devices manufactured by Microsoft's OEM partners.