Fujitsu has recently released a sequel to its U810 convertible netbook with the U820. The U820, available in two models, uses a 5.6-inch, 1366x768 resolution touchscreen display and a 1.6GHz Intel Atom CPU along with 1GB of RAM. Windows Vista Home Premium comes preloaded on the 60GB standard hard disk drive or an optional 120GB disk. A shock-mounted 64GB solid-state drive will also be a standalone option. Windows Vista Business is likewise a choice with a different software bundle.
Compared to the U810, the processor is now twice as fast in terms of raw clock speed, while hard drives get a useful bump in capacity from the original 40GB of storage.
Both U820 models also feature a built-in GPS receiver that turns either into a Garmin Mobile PC navigation system. Wireless network access is ensured thanks to a built-in 802.11n module from Atheros, while a wired connection comes from the built-in Ethernet port. Short-range wireless communications with compatible devices comes via a Bluetooth interface. For security, there is a built-in fingerprint scanner, while an integrated 1.3-megapixel webcam allows for video conferencing. A CF and SD memory card slots are built into the U820 as well.
The U820 is available now, with prices starting at $999 with a $50 mail-in rebate.
Source: electronista