MSI has unveiled two new gaming laptops at the CeBIt 2012 Show in Hanover, Germany. The GT60 offers a 15.6-inch HD screen, while the GT70 provides a 17.3-inch display. Both are expected to be equipped with nextgen Intel quad-core Ivy Bridge processors and NVIDIA Kepler (GeForce 600M series) graphics chipsets.
The notebooks, like some in the current generation, will also incorporate SteelSeries backlit gaming keyboards and Dynaudio sound systems. Storage can be up to 1.5TB on three drives. The primary data drive is a standard SATA drive, with two optional SSD drives in a RAID 0 stripe for extra speed. MSI claims that this "superRAID" configuration enables disk speeds of up to 750MB per second. Four memory slots provide up to 16GB of RAM.
Pricing and availability have not been announced.