Intel is on schedule to begin building its next generation Ivy Bridge architecture with an advanced 22 nanometer production process in the first quarter of 2012. The technology will help keep Intel a step ahead of its competitors, AMD and ARM. In an interview with Nordic Hardware, Pat Bliemer, Managing Director Intel Northern Europe, has revealed that Intel already has the generation beyond that, 14nm, off the drawing board and running in its test labs.
To achieve the Ivy Bridge process, Intel has had to create a new architecture leveraging what is called 3D or Tri-gate transistors. These multi-dimensional electronic components enable better thermal and power characteristics in a more compact design array. Intel has been able to leverage this design in an even more efficient 14nm process. Although the smaller design creates greater manufacturing complexity, Intel believes it is well on the way to deploying the technology in production conditions.
"I cannot really disclose more about that other than that in a laboratory environment," explained Bliemer, "our engineers do have the path to actually go and produce 14nm products."