Acer on Monday swelled its phone ranks with four models equally split between Android and Windows Mobile. Heading up the series is the beTouch E400: it becomes Acer's first Android 2.1 phone but carries a less ambitious 600MHz processor that should drop its price below that of the Liquid A1. Its unique touch is a customizable LED lighting system that can illuminate in different colors depending on the event.
Acer beTouch E400
Inside, the phone occupies the mid-range with a 480x320 display and a 3.2-megapixel resistive touchscreen.
The beTouch E110 is Acer's first budget Android phone and will use Android 1.5 along with a 2.8-inch 320x240 touchscreen and a 3-megapixel camera. Acer expects it to ship in March where the E400 arrives in April.
Acer beTouch E110
Both the neoTouch P300 and P400 in turn run Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and differ mostly in form factor. The P300 has a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a 3.2-megapixel camera and a 3.2-inch 400x240 screen; the P400 accomplishes much of the same in a touch-only form with a 480x320 display. Acer ships the P300 in March but waits until May for the P400.
Acer neoTouch P300
Acer neoTouch P400
Source: electronista