When Sony announced the PS4 Pro, they also announced that it would be releasing in November later this year. What this means is that Sony should already have begun production or at least have started, and sure enough that is what’s happening, at least according to the latest reports.
The reports are saying that Sony has begun production of the PS4 Pro and that Foxconn and Pegatron will both be behind the production. Pegatron is said to be responsible for about 70% of the production which makes sense because according to an earlier report, it was indicated that Foxconn would also be manufacturing the Nintendo NX, so obviously Sony does not want a bottleneck there.
It is unclear as to how many units Sony is expecting to ship by the end of the year, but judging from how well the PS4 had sold, maybe we could be looking at similar numbers. The early launch of the PS4 Pro should also work out in Sony’s favor. Microsoft’s answer to the PS4 Pro, “Project Scorpio”, is only due for a release in 2017.
This means that Sony will at the very least have several months of sales ahead of them with pretty much no competition, at least until the NX comes along and eventually Project Scorpio.