In case you missed E3, Microsoft confirmed that a new and more powerful Xbox was in the works codenamed Project Scorpio. For those who are a bit alarmed by this, fret not as there will not be any Project Scorpio-exclusive games, meaning that games developed for the console will also be playable on the current Xbox One.
However at the same time we’re pretty sure there are plenty of gamers who feel that they might need to upgrade their consoles anyway. The good news is that if you’d rather not spend a few hundred, Microsoft’s Dave McCarthy has confirmed to the Daily Star that they are working with retailers in creating trade-in programs that will make acquiring Project Scorpio a bit more affordable than having to buy one outright.
According to McCarthy, “Some of our retail partners today do trade-in programs and that’s definitely going to be partnerships we continue to move going forward. We want to make that transition as smooth as possible.” It is unclear as to what kind of trade-in programs we can look forward to, but if you are indeed planning on getting Project Scorpio then this might be worth keeping an eye out for.
As for its release, we do not have any specific dates yet, save for the fact that Microsoft is planning it for the holiday season of 2017 meaning that we still have some time to go. In the meantime there is the Xbox One S which is essentially a slimmer version of the Xbox One.