MSI Computer on Thursday announced it has now released five previously introduced notebook PCs to its Classic series, with the CX600, CX700, CR600-013, CR600-017 and CR700. The three 600 models sport 16-inch screens with 1366x768 resolution, while the 700s have 17.3-inch screens with 1600x900 resolution. MSI touts the 600s as much thinner than conventional notebooks, at just 1.18 inches thick. They weigh just 5.4lbs, while the 700s weigh just over 6lbs.
The models are further differentiated with internal components, as the CX600 and CX700 ship with ATI's Mobility Radeon HD4330 3D graphics card with 512MB of RAM. The CR600 and CR700 get NVIDIA's 8200M GPU and an HDMI output. All but the CR600-017 share a 2.0GHz Pentium Dual Core CPU, with the CR600-17 getting a slightly faster 2.1GHz Dual core, along with a Blu-ray player instead of a DVD burner.
Otherwise, specs common to all five models include 4GB of RAM, a 320GB hard drive with Windows Vista Home Premium, a 1.3-megapixel webcam, gigabit LAN, and a Wi-Fi connection. All also get three USB ports, a 4-in-1 memory card reader and the same six-cell battery.
The CXs are available in black or silver, while the CRs can be had in black or gray. Prices for the new C-series models start at $550.
Source: electronista