NVIDIA confirmed its plans to release its own netbook PC with its own Tegra chip before the end of 2009. The Tegra chip is so far only used in the Zune HD portable multimedia player and uses hardware acceleration of 720p resolution HD video while using up a minimum of just 150mW. While final specs are not known, NVIDIA is showing a prototype model built by Mobinnova which sports an 8.9-inch screen, Wi-Fi, a 3G data radio and a webcam. It currently runs on Microsoft's Windows CE operating system, but NVIDIA says the final product could run on Google's Android.
An NVIDIA spokesperson said the unnamed netbook should be out on Black Friday in November in the US, priced at the equivalent of just $244. The company is also expecting to offer it via wireless providers for free on a two-year data contract.
At the same time, NVIDIA said a Tegra-powered smartphone will be out either late this year or early in 2010, but did not give any additional details on this device.
Source: electronista