Earlier today (or yesterday, depending on your time zone), ASUS formally launched the GeForce GTX Titan Z dual-GPU graphics card.
You know, the card that was supposedly delayed and whose performance got detailed only partially by the Chinese (GeForce GTX Titan Z performance numbers).
Some people held the hope that the (now gone) ASUS ROG post meant that the card would still be released on time, even if just on paper.
ASUS has already taken down the announcement page though, so it looks like the product has been delayed after all. A pretty roundabout way of confirming the rumor, all told.
At least we know for sure what the clocks are now. The two GPUs work at 705 MHz on normal days, and 876 MHz when you try to play the latest games in 4K resolution or something.
The 12 GB of GDDR5 VRAM, meanwhile, have a frequency of 7 GHz.
These are the three details that we didn't know before. Everything else is as was previously disclosed: 768-bit interface (384 x 2), dual-DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort outputs, an OpenGL 4.4 support.
As far as we know, the price has been left alone at $3,000 / ?3,000, but maybe the delay will bring with it a cut to that number as well. We can only hope.