Smartwatches are without doubt starting to become the “in” thing these days, but whether this is a fad or a technology that’s here to stay remains unknown, but this has not stopped manufacturers such as Samsung from releasing their own smartwatch, and with other tech giants such as Apple and Google rumored to have their own wearable gadgets in the works as well. In any case while companies and the media seem to think that smartwatches are the next big thing, what do you consumers have to say about this? Are customers just as eager to hop aboard the bandwagon?:
According to a report by Harris Interactive, the results of their survey have shown that a little under half of the 2,600 adults they surveyed in the US had interest in such a device, with 28% expressing a lot of interest in the technology. The survey does not mention smartwatches specifically, but talks about devices that can be worn on the wrist, such as fitness trackers like the Nike FuelBand SE, or the Jawbone UP. Fitness trackers are a bit niche and at the moment there aren’t any smartwatches that really impresses, so perhaps those numbers might see an increase in the future, but what do you guys think?